Small Business Content Creation

content creation content marketing content strategy Jan 24, 2021
Content Creation for Small Business

How to keep generating fresh, interesting content for news, social media and blogs!

You’ve heard the phrase Content is King, well it certainly is in the information age we live in!

Whatever type of marketing you undertake, whether it’s online or offline, including PR, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Ads, direct mail, presentations or adverts – it all needs content!

Increasing the amount of content you put out can assist with attracting new clients and growing your business, by helping you rank higher in online searches and elevating your business profile in the marketplace.

But I'm sure you already know all this! 

What you probably really want to know is, as a busy, business owner, how on earth you can generate enough exciting content regularly when you're already working long hours without getting on the content treadmill!

You know you should be posting on social media more frequently. You’re keen to write more blog posts for your business, and you’re aware that updating the content on your website can really help with your SEO.  But how do you find the time to be creative, and put your knowledge into words?

Well, if you need more time than you’ve got, the only way forward to to find a way to work smarter, rather than harder - so here are a few ideas that might help:


 4 ways to make content creation easier

  • Brainstorm content. Rather than sitting with your hands poised on your keyboard waiting for inspiration, spend some time writing down content ideas in advance. Even just 10 minutes brainstorming some top-level content ideas regularly will help. Maybe keep a book to jot them all down in? Then, when you’re short of inspiration, you’ll have a list of ideas waiting.


  • Re-purpose content. Smart business owners re-purpose content. A blog post can easily be broken down into several social media posts. Similarly, a social media post may be easily expanded into a short blog post. Extracts of text from your website can be tweaked and re-used too.  If you take a look, you’ll probably find you’re already sat on a content goldmine, just ready for re-use!


  • Search online. Just type what you do into Google and see what comes up! Search engine results can be a fantastic source of inspiration.  What's happening in the world? What questions are people asking? There are so many ideas waiting to be found. 


  • What do your customers want to know? Think about your business from their perspective. What would they find interesting?  Often, the kinds of things you take for granted as a business owner can be fascinating to those outside your industry! 


I've worked with enough local business owners to know that creating regular, fresh, engaging content can be a real headache in small businesses.

In the many years I’ve been helping small business owners, I’ve found that the smartest way to manage content creation is to put the effort into coming up with the ideas up-front, so all you have to do is turn them into stories when you’re ready.

I even created a Content Creation Ideas Challenge for small business owners, to help them come up with enough ideas in 5 short tasks to give them a whole year’s worth of content ideas!

In fact, this Content Ideas Challenge was one of the first trainings I included in the Marketing Momentum Membership, because content is such an important piece of the marketing puzzle. I recommend all new members go and undertake the challenge once they have access to the membership portal, as it doesn’t take too long to complete, but provides so many great ideas for promoting a business in interesting, exciting and engaging ways.

In addition, every month in the membership, I include a full list of awareness days for the following month, to make it easy for members to see what exciting events are happening around the world that they might want to utilise as part of their content. If you apply a bit of imagination, there’s possibly an event for every type of business at some point – whether it’s Bring Your Dog to Work Day, Emoji Day or National Cake week – there’s always a way of tying it in with something you do, even if it’s quite a tenuous link!


Why not spend 10 minutes now brainstorming the content you could share about your business next week – the time you invest will definitely be worth it!  


To find out more about the Content Ideas Challenge training and the many other trainings and resources in the Marketing Momentum Membership just visit


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